Roger Ranko
artista indifferenziato

due mani per pregare
Technique: Iron sculpture made of iron rods recovered from the bankruptcy steel industry, electrode welded and modeled with a grinder.
Description: Work of the “Razza” (Breed) series in which a journey is made in the human consciousness compared to the biologic instinct, an analysis on the birth of emotions and the activation of human attitudes. The sculpture “Due mani per pregare” (Two hands to pray) expresses how the secular meditation has the ability to guide human reason to free will. If piloted, it becomes religious faith, which includes obligations and punishments.
Dim. cm ø10 + ø10 x h34
Anno/Year 2018

la guerra di pietro
Technique: Sculpture realized by the recovery of engine components of disused cars.
Description: Work of the “Razza” (Breed) series in which a journey is made in the human consciousness compared to the biologic instinct, an analysis on the birth of emotions and the activation of human attitudes. “La guerra di Pietro” (The War of Peter) is an example of how the interpretations of the sacred texts are in favour of the power in office. An image of religion as a world economic and war organization.
Dim. cm 31 x h18 x 13
Anno/Year 2018